Telling the time in English

Telling the time in English

We have some new material for you about learning how to tell the time in English. First we have this video Here is a summary chart for your reference: You can find more details about telling the time here: How to tell the time in English Once you have seen the video...
Parts of the Body in English Video

Parts of the Body in English Video

We have a new video to help you learn English about Parts of the Body. Parts of the Body in English The names of parts of the body in English with the pronunciation of each one. We show where each body part is on a picture. The parts of the body that appear in this...
English Grammar – Horror Movie

English Grammar – Horror Movie

Right now I am in the process of creating videos for people to learn English for free. By creating I mean I am in the first creative stages of writing scripts and learning how to make videos using Adobe Premiere and After Effects (note: the following trailer was made...
Sit on the fence – Idiom

Sit on the fence – Idiom

To sit on the fence = to be uncommitted or undecided = to remain neutral on a certain topic = to not have a stance or open opinion about a topic = to be unable or unwilling to commit oneself to one side of an argument or dispute This English idiom is used when a...
May the odds be ever in your favor

May the odds be ever in your favor

You may have heard the following expression: May the odds be ever in your favor. This is a catchphrase that comes from a series of books (and movies) called The Hunger Games. (catchphrase = a well-known sentence or phrase, typically one that is associated with a...

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