ED Pronunciation in English

ED Pronunciation in English

In English there are many words that end in ED. There are the regular verbs in past tense that end in ED (like wanted, looked and cleaned etc.), there are regular past participles that end in ED (needed, watched, used etc.), and there are also adjectives that end in...
How to pronounce the ED in English

How to pronounce the ED in English

In English there are many words that end in ED. There are the regular verbs in past tense that end in ED (like Visited, Hoped and Lived), and there are also adjectives that end in ED (e.g. relaxed, tired etc.). Did you know that there are three different ways to...
Bean Soup Joke in English

Bean Soup Joke in English

The Joke Customer: Waiter, what do you call this soup? Waiter: It’s bean soup, sir. Customer: I don’t care what it’s been. What is it now?       Vocabulary Bean (noun) = a common vegetable To call (verb) = to name Soup = cooked food in a liquid form...

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