I have created a new page and chart with some common health problems in English: The page includes the difference between SICK and ILL as well as the difference between ACHE and PAIN. More details here: Health Problems in English English Teacher Resources Teachers...
It is that time of year again …. CHRISTMAS!!! We decided to create a new cartoon chart with a popular Christmas Carol (= a typical song sung at Christmas time) called the Twelve Days of Christmas. You can find the complete lyrics (= words of the song) here: 12...
We now have an updated version of this lesson: Couch Potato Idiom Couch Potato definition A couch potato is a person who spends a lot of time watching television with little or no physical activity. They can do this either sitting or lying down on a couch (or sofa) or...
Meaning of Burning the candle at both ends This English idiom can mean: 1. To work (or do some other activity) from early in the morning until late at night without taking time (or very little time) to rest. 2. To try and do too much work (or an activity) in a short...
There are three ways of saying this Idiom in English. Zip your mouth! Zip your lip! Zip it! The meaning is the same no matter which you use. The meaning of Zip your Lip / Zip your Mouth This idiomatic expression can mean any of the following: Keep your mouth shut....