I have created a new page and chart with some common health problems in English: The page includes the difference between SICK and ILL as well as the difference between ACHE and PAIN. More details here: Health Problems in English English Teacher Resources Teachers...
The meaning of under the weather When someone is under the weather, it means that the person: is slightly ill. feels a little sick. doesn’t feel well. Sometimes the person’s (body) defences are low and they feel tired or exhausted too. Under the...
Nick – Informal British English The word NICK has different meanings in British English and it is always informal and slang. Below we have included some of its uses: To nick is also an informal way of staying To steal in British English Who nicked my pen? = Who...
THE JOKE A man receives a phone call from his doctor. Doctor: “I have some good news and some bad news.” Man: “OK, give me the good news first.” Doctor: “The good news is, you have 24 hours to live.” Man: “Oh no! If...
THE JOKE Doctor: “You are very sick.” Patient: “Can I get a second opinion?” Doctor: “Yes, you are very ugly too…” VOCABULARY Second opinion = a diagnosis from another doctor to ensure that the first diagnosis...