To, Too and Two are three words that native English speakers sometimes spell incorrectly when writing. WHY? Because these three words are Homophones. A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but differs in meaning, and may differ in...
Yes, we have just created another article for you. This time it’s about the difference between There, Their and They’re in English. Again, this is a common mistake for native speakers too because the three words are homophones (words that sound the same...
The Joke Customer: Waiter, what do you call this soup? Waiter: It’s bean soup, sir. Customer: I don’t care what it’s been. What is it now? Vocabulary Bean (noun) = a common vegetable To call (verb) = to name Soup = cooked food in a liquid form...
When do you use maybe and when do you use may be? This is a common mistake for students learning English (and sometimes native speakers too!). The simplest explanation is: Maybe = perhaps May be = is possibly Our boss was sick yesterday so he may be absent from work...
Desert the dessert in the desert! Desert can be a verb and a noun though with two completely different meanings. To Desert means to leave without intending to return. It can also mean to abandon. A Desert is a dry place which receives very little rainfall. The verb is...