She sells seashells by the seashore. I will say this tongue twister slowly the first time and then I will repeat it at normal speed. Can YOU say it as quickly as me? (Without making a mistake!) Ange and I found this large shell AFTER the sun had gone down.We decided...
What is the difference between a vowel and a consonant? To avoid giving an intense linguistic definition, I will try to keep things very easy and give a simple explanation about the difference between a vowel and a consonant. What is a vowel? A vowel sound is...
Something that I have heard about, though pretty much ignored the last months, is a relatively “new” app called Periscope (it is only been around about a year). It is owned by Twitter. I love languages so I thought I would check it out to see if it would...
In English there are many words that end in ED. There are the regular verbs in past tense that end in ED (like wanted, looked and cleaned etc.), there are regular past participles that end in ED (needed, watched, used etc.), and there are also adjectives that end in...
We have a new video to help you learn English about Parts of the Body. Parts of the Body in English The names of parts of the body in English with the pronunciation of each one. We show where each body part is on a picture. The parts of the body that appear in this...